Writing For Film // Colour Grading + Editing

“Omg! This is just like putting filters on my Instagram pictures!” – my embarrassingly millenial self.

Today in class we had a chat about colour grading on Premiere Pro, and proceeded to play around with it in the editing suites. As our white balance was fairly even across footage, we didn’t find a need to mess with the colours of our footage to too grand an extend for our sitcom, drama and mockumentary sequences. Alternatively, we shot our nighttime slasher during the day (on what was probably the sunniest day of the year), and therefore must dramatically grade the footage accordingly, applying a dark, high contrast, blue-based hue to the sequence.

In finding our way through the colour grading feature on Premiere Pro, Wei Yun and I had a play with some of our mock-doc footage. Here is a screen grab of the original shot:

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.07.07 pm

– super happy with how this looks as is

Here we doctored with the colour, adding a warmer, greeny hue to the shot, helping us gingers appear to have somewhat of a summery glow/tan and less of a pinky whiteness:

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.07.24 pm

– I really liked how this looked, although is possibly a bit dark and stylised for mock doc (that tan though </3)

And here we went a little colour-grading crazy, adding a grungy, blue, high contrast, twilight-esque filter to the shot:

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.07.45 pm

– totally wrong for the genre/totally unnecessary/kind of hilarious

This activity gave us a great idea of the alternative directions we could take ‘Keeping Mum’ in by manipulating our footage in post, and how we could really accentuate and play with various genre conventions.

Dylan has stepped up as our head editor, and will be applying these learnings while piecing our footage together.

More soon! 🙂



Kerri Gordon

I dig music, social media, celebs and sweet potato fries.

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