Writing For Film // What A Girl Wants

Choosing the ‘Writing for Film’ studio was a risk that – fingers crossed – will hopefully pay off. I’m not a mega film buff like some of the other studio members, and don’t – as of this very moment – plan on venturing into the film industry as part of my career path, but rather saw the studio as the perfect opportunity to get a taste of the film-student life and decide whether to politely place it back onto my plate, never to be touched again, or to continue nibbling at it until it is something I enjoy and wish to devour.

I partially hope this course helps to reassure myself that the film route is not for me. While that may sound like a negative way to view the course, there are so many aspects of media that I have taken a strong liking to, such as radio, live TV and digital/social media, so I’m hoping this helps to narrow down my penciled-in life plan. Alternatively, I’m subconsciously hoping that the genius screenwriter within me is unleashed, causing myself to question my entire existence and realize my true calling.

It could go either way.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t enjoy the content and projects that come along with the studio – I’m pretty keen to have a go at anything and everything, and then reflect on the outcome accordingly. Just like the studio focuses on experimenting with the conventional relationship between screenwriting and filmmaking, I will simultaneously be experimenting with the relationship between myself and film production.

My ultimate desires for this course would be to gain a further understanding of screen and script writing, to substantiate myself within the many facets of the media industry, and to produce a media artefact that could go towards my university oeuvre. Oh, and having a little fun while doing so couldn’t hurt!

Kerri Gordon

I dig music, social media, celebs and sweet potato fries.

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