I’m in love with mainstream music, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with it, and I know that mainstream tunes are just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with mainstream music. – Me ft. a little help from my friend Augustus Waters, may he rest in peace. Oops… SPOILER ALERT.
What’s with people these days? Their musical pretentiousness has become so thick I can barely smell the potpourri they bathe in. Why can’t a TUUUNNEE (not just a tune or a song, a TUUUNNEE) just be a goddamn great banger? Sure, Pitbull and Justice Crew (not even gonna bother hyperlinking them because honestly, who’d click that?) come along every now and then, dampening the ole reputation, but I just don’t understand how people can actively dislike a song because millions of other people like it. Genre preferences – sure, I get it, different story, the mainstream music scene has a heavy bias towards pop. But to those chumps who will make an effort to dislike a song based on its success, or will turn on a favourite band because according to you they ‘sold out’… shame on you.
I’m not saying I’m perfect even though I’m #1 on the A list so realistically speaking I am, but I love mainstream pop as much as I do indie/alternative/rock/hip hop etc, and when my unknown faves get discovered, I rejoice! (After crying inside a little). Being kewl doesn’t mean being a pretentious knob!
Nothing gets a party going more than a little Katy, Miley and Iggy Iggzz am I right?? In the mean time, enjoy this new suuuppperrr poppy smash hit-to-be from my girl Tay…
Hahaha loved this, it’s so true! Side note, your hyperlinks actually kill me haha, sneaky bit of self promo in there with ol’ Eggy