Has One Direction‘s genre progression enabled the success of Australia’s own 5 Seconds of Summer?
I know you might be put off by the fact that this is about boy bands, heartthrobs and ‘so-totally-uncool’ mainstream music, but if you’re interested in music or pop culture, I highly recommend you check out this article from Billboard.com. It discusses the somewhat subconscious yet meticulously strategic evolution of mainstream music, and how the genre development of a particular artist is able to set up success for the next wave of mainstream phenomenons.
I am in no way comparing One Direction to The Beatles or 5 Seconds of Summer to the Sex Pistols, but this genre progression is reminiscent of the way by which The Beatles’ “Helter Skelter” (created in order to challenge The Who‘s “I Can See for Miles” for the loudest, most raw, drum-heavy track) allowed audiences to accept the emergence of punk-rockers such as the Sex Pistols into late 60’s/mid 70’s mainstream music.
Anyway, I found the article super interesting, and hopefully you will too!