
Hola Amigos! I’m Kerri Gordon and this is my crib (cue fast-motion tracking – thanks MTV). I’m 18 years old and currently in my first year of university, completing a Bachelor of Communications (Media) at RMIT. I’m as enthusiastic, excitable and bubbly as a freshly popped bottle of champagne (some may say sweet and sophisticated too… 😉 ), with a multitude of passions that I wish to turn into a career, making me very indecisive in my path to media-world domination.

Ultimately, I wish to become the love child of Ryan Seacrest and Martha Stewart. Together, they cover all the bases – television, radio, music, cooking, fashion, art, Kardashians and a little bit of jail time. I LOVE music and listen to a questionably wide variety of genres – from boy bands to indie/alternative rock – and am at my happiest in a venue full of people singing along to their favourite track. At some point in my career I aspire to work with artist-fan/fan-artist relationships.

I’m no newbie to the blogging scene, but all of my other efforts have somewhat dwindled, becoming as active and exciting as a tumbleweed in slow motion. It’s not that they’ve failed but I haven’t really had the patience to give them time to grow – a potential side effect of society’s increasing impatience – why insta-vid for 15 seconds when you can vine for 6?

Regardless, here I stand (well, sit), turning a new leaf, committing to my new life as a blogger-extraordinaire. And although I must maintain my blog in order to successfully complete ‘Networked Media’ and gain my degree, I hope to make a habit out of this bloggery… so stick around because there’s more to come!

Kerri Gordon

I dig music, social media, celebs and sweet potato fries.

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