I nailed this interview and i’m not afraid to admit it.
It helped that this was a topic that I was excited about, and I knew that Lea would be receptive and informative.
I had done enough research on the topic of Positive Psychology that I could identify what is was that the audience needed to know, and how to best get that information out of Lea.
1- Positive Psychology is a relatively new form of Psychology. Can you tell us what PP is, and how it differs from normal Psychology?
2- I know that there are a number of businesses and schools that have adopted a PP approach to their working environment. It is obviously a very practical field. Can you tell me why it is important for PP to be a part of a working environment and what are the benefits?
3- Consistant to the field of Psych, PP will attract comments and criticisms, things like ‘self-help momement’, ‘happy-ology’, or passing fad. Can you comment on some of those criticisms?
4- I’ve heard you speak before about gratitude. Can you tell us about the power of such a simple emotion?
5- What is one thing that we can practice doing each day to help build our PP in everyday life?
Lea was really positive about the interview, during stating “good questions” and “i’m glad you asked that”. I would have cut these out of the interview if I hadn’t have lost theĀ freaking thing. (On this day my car got towed, and it cost me $400+ by the time I got to bed, stressful day = lost interview). I had done enough research to feel relaxed throughout the interview, so i could listen to the answers and react to what she was saying.
Thanks a lot, Lea.