London Part 2…

london p2

Covent Garden – Strand Palace Hotel – The Adelphi Theatre

The night in London was with out an inkling of a doubt magical. If you think there is so much going on in this city in the day, by night it is even more. The quaint quite streets to the bustling squares and main roads are full of life and things to do. As it was around -4 degrees when I was here it made all the better. I love the cold because it makes you feel fresh and alive. The same feeling the city gives you. The dinner we went to in Covent Garden was really quite chill. A glass of mulled wine topped it off though. The aspect of this city that I think gives it life are those buildings. By night they are illuminated from below in a sombre yellow light that just encapsulates every corner of the building, keeping it awake even in the dead of night.

If you take a stroll through the West End you will come across those hidden theatres I spoke about. The right picture shows the Adelphi theatre where I went and saw The Bodyguard. One of the most incredible experiences I had in Europe. The way they do musicals over there is just different. They are so grand and large scale even in this hidden gem. I suppose this is what I loved about London, it was like Melbourne (my home) but on steroids. The culture, the architecture, the people and the shopping are all just perfect.

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