
Back from the non-teaching break, everything is moving forward to the 7th week. In this week’s topic, Adrian, Brian and Elliot talked a lot of ‘authorial control’ and how the author interacts with the context in their process. It was a very interesting unlecture for this week while having a great discussion between the lecturer and student.

Author is an important role in a production because he/she dominates everything. Considering of ‘French New Waves’, auteurism had  great contributions for French movies. Although the role author is somewhat detective, they gave a new power to film industries and audiences. Films were no longer with stereotype rules but rather to be personalizing, authors are enbling everything. The production will be fulled with author’s personality with the capability of creating something. With such a great responsibility, author must understand overall idea of his production. First of all, the context should be the first considering thing for project itself. Context is dynamic because of changes happening within things. Our modern contest has been totally different from 50yrs ago. How the author catch the key point of the context that could be the key of successful productions. Author grasp the significant issues from his context and spread the issues by filmming or writing, communicating audiences with picture or text.

If catching the point was not extraordinary enough for an author, Elliot and Brain brought out a points that we not only can understand the context but also anticipate the context. Good guess makes people think. This reasonable point just remind me of the film  that I saw on Monday screening, “The umbrella of Cherbourg“, in which the hero and the heroin were unable to get together because of the reality. Between love and life, this decision might have confused many people who have to make life but not being with something in love. The pressure from reality always interrupt the relationship. The story still happening for now.  We don’t know what did Jacque (the author) think 40 yrs ago, but the issue is, fair enough, existent in our modern society.

Another thing is that Elliot gave a excellent point that the goal of author is not controlling the story structure but the world you created! You can do whatever you want in your world.