Week6_”Cause and effect” and “Narrative”




Narrative must be constructed by structure. A constellation of set events happens one by one in a storyline. This is the notion of narrative.


look at the other side about Cause and effect.

cause and effect poster

Cause and effect, as you see, is explain why things happen. Cause and effect is anything but structure because of accidental factor. We never tell a story within a frame of random cause and effect. One cause might lead to different effects We only can assume the effects but never control over the effects.

cause and effect example david



Week6_GELD. GR – Money and The Greeks

In Geld. Gr – Money and The Greeks, Florian wants to find out how do Greeks react to the crisis? He find a very unique way to make this documentary

This project started in late 2011 when Florian Thalhofer and his later wife Elissavet Aggou traveled trough Greece to chat with people about how they are dealing with the economic situation they are in. While on the road, they wrote a blog about their experiences.

Money and The Greeks is different from other conventional documentaries because it is operated by Korsakow film system.

Over this documentary, it has a constituent background music. It feels like kind of sci-fi style with someone talking or digital sound. It consists of different content of video, some of them are produced by voice-over commentary and some of them are interviews. The interface style is different over the project. The formation of the videos is changing along with audience clicking into another new page.

Florian utilises the non-diegetic title to guide audience. The texts will come out when audience hold their cursor on the thumbnails. In a way, audience will not lose their track. Another amazing thing is Florian generates a rolling subtitle for four languages Greek, French, German and English. Honestly, this technique is indeed because of the content of interview. By the way, I wanna learn this technique as well. It would cool on my Korsakow.


Week 6_Take Away from Lecture

Over the lectures, Adrian talked a lot of the idea of narrative and story. This week’s lecture, Adrian explain how the narrative differs from cause and effect.

What is the point in redefining narrative as anything more than cause and effect?

In Adrian’s word, beautiful cinematography is just beautiful cinematography but nor the narrative storytelling. The fascinating images evokes our feelings but it is the embodiment of narrative. The images is only the cause generates some effects on us.

We are surrounded by causes and effects because everything can be a cause and effect, like walking down the road and being wrecked by truck. Causes and effects happen all the time in our life. However, only a tiny part of cause and effect is narrative.

Basically, what I get from Adrian is cause and effect is a constellation of random things happen in our life. They are not story but just non-narrative accident because they are unsequenced. We never know what would happen next moment and, of course, we are not ready for the coming. Nevertheless, narrative is a chain of arranged events with cause and effect. In other words, people are inspired by the random cause and effects for writing a story. Only a small string of the cause and effect can be used over the time.

Week 5_Language and lists

Langauge consists of a series of signs that generate definite relationship of with each other. Narrative does so. The embodied knowledge is assigned by person who wants to express something with the relationship of cause and effect.

Bogost outlines another concept within the context. Lists is a term with non-narrative relationship. If language creates a definite relationship of the represented things, lists isolates every single things from this relationship. Lists is refusal for the connecting power of language, in favour of a sequence of disconnected elements.

“No one scribbles dmvn a helpful sonnet before going shopping. . . . Finding a list in a

book or a poem is an immediate reminder of the most obvious dif­ ferences between literature and every other kind of non-performing art: literature is made out of something, language, that is an everyday stuff. ”


The reason Bogost consider this kind of idea because of his observations. Although language could be vey literature, it is impossible for us to use a literature tone every second life. Lists is direct, simple, and easy understanding. People don’t take much time to comprehend the lists but literature language. Perhaps, someone has great ability to create narrative with make-sense signs. However, this is the small part compare to a big range. Non-narrative is dominant within context due to being flexible for more people than narrative tone.



Week_4 Constraint#4_Something defines myself

Untitled from Kai-feng Wang on Vimeo.

In this video, i use many close-up shot to illustrate my Jordan shoes in details. There are only five shots. It would be a little boring if I only use close-up shot, therefore, I attempt to play some tricks on focal length. Adjusting the focal distance is to distinguish the background and foreground. It would be more aesthetics when I film the things on foreground with blurring background. That is a very enjoyable thing when you see the things become blurring. Additionally, I somehow this visual effect is matching the background music. It kind of works tougher with the quick cut and lose focal and focal image.

Disadvantage: the camera is a bit shaky and the camera movement is awkward because you can see the camera does not move smoothly. I should have a better hand.

Week_4 Constraint#4_ immediate family

Untitled from Kai-feng Wang on Vimeo.

The task requires me to film an immediate family around me without showing their faces. Unfortunately, I live alone away from my parents. Well, but I found a old picture on my desk . An interesting thing is when you filming a film photo with a digital video camera, this is the moment i would say “Time fast, world changes”

I don’t use other elaborative techniques on this video except for close-up shot. My idea is photo describes itself (birthday cake, candles, hands, feet, old clothes) and I just re-record it. On the other hand, this photo was taken by 1999. I really like the little dusty spots on my family union photo that represents time.