
Back from the non-teaching break, everything is moving forward to the 7th week. In this week’s topic, Adrian, Brian and Elliot talked a lot of ‘authorial control’ and how the author interacts with the context in their process. It was a very interesting unlecture for this week while having a great discussion between the lecturer and student.

Author is an important role in a production because he/she dominates everything. Considering of ‘French New Waves’, auteurism had  great contributions for French movies. Although the role author is somewhat detective, they gave a new power to film industries and audiences. Films were no longer with stereotype rules but rather to be personalizing, authors are enbling everything. The production will be fulled with author’s personality with the capability of creating something. With such a great responsibility, author must understand overall idea of his production. First of all, the context should be the first considering thing for project itself. Context is dynamic because of changes happening within things. Our modern contest has been totally different from 50yrs ago. How the author catch the key point of the context that could be the key of successful productions. Author grasp the significant issues from his context and spread the issues by filmming or writing, communicating audiences with picture or text.

If catching the point was not extraordinary enough for an author, Elliot and Brain brought out a points that we not only can understand the context but also anticipate the context. Good guess makes people think. This reasonable point just remind me of the film  that I saw on Monday screening, “The umbrella of Cherbourg“, in which the hero and the heroin were unable to get together because of the reality. Between love and life, this decision might have confused many people who have to make life but not being with something in love. The pressure from reality always interrupt the relationship. The story still happening for now.  We don’t know what did Jacque (the author) think 40 yrs ago, but the issue is, fair enough, existent in our modern society.

Another thing is that Elliot gave a excellent point that the goal of author is not controlling the story structure but the world you created! You can do whatever you want in your world.

For My Blogging (Blog Assessment Task)

My blog career in Networked Media has started for six weeks. During this period, I felt as the idea of blogging being encouraging me to write something on my blog in order for building up a space for myself. Blog offers me a place to write anything I want to write about with no limitations. Yes, admittedly I consider blogging is very excellent to develop my ability and skills in writing as well as intensify my engagement throughout my lecture or ‘unlecture’, my tutorial, my readings and writing practice  Overall, blogging absolutely provided me many amazing experiences,  however, personally I think of my participation being not good enough in Network Media so I still have some realms to improve  in  the future.

I remember the first week, Adrian spoke out in the lecture that everyone should had experience about writing essay from their primary school to high school but writing essay in our entire life is impossible because you wrote a essay is getting a good from techer. Adrian’s point on blogging inspires me to think blog is a large space to express your unique idea in order for discussing, arguing and sharing online with other people. In a blog, writing not being for a good mark but a reputation rules. Rules, forms or even grammars are not highly considerable, on  the other hand, how to interact with people with your typing texts is more significant. Adrian revealed that blog is fantastic opportunity for student to communicate with each other for a good discussion on some impressive issues or sharing good experiences online.

Throughout this six weeks, my blog posts mainly reflects from the class readings and raised idea from ‘unlecture’ but the overall blogging is not good enough to attract people to visit or comment on my blog. Nevertheless, another hand of this situation, I was benefited from writing blog because I could write anything that I want to share with no any restriction. Not only my writing ability but my personal development is improved by following up the materials from ‘unlecture’ or the neutral medium ( Going through the ‘Networked Media’ blog become my daily habit as a consequence of a plenty of funny readings there. I am able to extend my interests and engage with new knowledge through online texts so that I could go through the readings anytime and anywhere  when I feel boring. With practicing writing my blog, I also consider one important thing that how could I attract people to visit my blog as same as I keep up ‘Sneakernews’ blog everyday because of big interests on sneakers. Therefore, I attempt to rise my own idea after finishing weekly readings and lectures in order for offering my unique opinions which might catch someone’s eyes.

However, in this six weeks, there are still a lot of disadvantages for my performance on blogging. First of all, I am unable to  guarantee  update my blog consistently week by week due to some other things being occupied. Individually, that is the biggest problem for my blogging. The number of entries is not adequate for the requirements so that I should be concerned with this part. The second thing is that I found difficulties on my reflections of my reading because of spending too much constructing the idea. I think that this problem might result in the slow updating on my blog. Even worse, I would misunderstand the center idea of readings and I had done many useless effort. Therefore, I should improve my comprehensions of readings so that I can point out some impressive idea. Additionally, I found myself lacks interaction with my peers so I hardly obtain useful feedback from them. The only way to communicate with other peers is tutorial and neutral website but these conditions are not enough to provide a good interactive blogging. The blogging should be hanging around others’ blogs and leave a comment in order for a communication. Unfortunately, I have not commented anyone in Networked Media so that I also lose my opportunity.

For the future, it is time to be worried about how to improve my blog for becoming a real blog. I will try my best to update one post or posts twice a day with relevant review from readings and feature news. The reason of keeping practicing my writing is to enhance my management ability and habits to make blogging become a daily regular instead of an assignment. Also, I consider the interactive communication is very important for blogging and I should observe my peers’ blog and learn something helpful from their writing and structure of blog. What is more, I need to collect a diverse of materials from life or internet to rise my inspiration and construct my new idea on blog, attracting someone else. Not only blogging the academic but I need to discover the interests of my life that makes sense with the knowledge from Networked Media.

Hypertext Fictions

While the development of fictional writing involes another factor, like the hypertext, that offer good fundation enough to create a bunch of new forms to express author’s idea. The authors attempt to create a diversity of different new form as the new discovery of hypertext. Hypertext is that, like the new materials, boost up the fictional writing to produce more colourful forms. This situation somewhat is similar to the ‘Autuerism’ that represents the revolution in film industry in 1920-1930. Film used to be stereotype and dull, because the director thought films were consisted of several necessary materials though the films describe different story. This tendency lasted until the born of ‘Autuerism’ in 1930s’ France. The revolution, which people called ‘The New Wave’ was happening in French films, the directors were being creative and individualised in their film. Films become alive!

What is going on with the hypertext inserting fictional writing. Quotes from the first major author of hypertext fiction, Michael Joycethat I wanted, quite simply, to write a novel that would change in successive  readings and to make  thoes changing versions according to the connections that I had for sometime naturally discovered in the process  of writing and that I wanted my readers to share. In my eyes, paragraphs on many different page could just as well go with papragraphs. All that kept me from doing so was the fact that, in print at least, one paragraph inevitably follows another. it seemed to me that if I, as author, could use a computer to move paragraphs about, it wouldn’t take much to let readers do so accoding to some scheme I had predeterminded.

Perhaps, in the future, Joyce consider people merely use the computer and they would modify the writing as what they want to express. In some way, this approach is encouraging readers’ inspirations. Gradually, some authors attempt to create their crafts in which more or less veer toward a narrative instead of highly being dependent on linearity causality, and probable characterisation. The multiplicity give a strong power to writers on their art crafts and they just suddenly obtain more space to create. There is no rules and no restriction. Authors approach  their readers in different many forms, and while readers confront their production, they are proven to be right.

Readers start to be adapt into a series of new form writing from hypertext fiction authors. Tom MacHarg is remarkable that he create The Late-Bite Maneuvers of the Ultramundance by seven lexias for each day of the week. Each day is being with a variations or transformation of the other to be ultimately creative. Here is partial of Monday’s story.

Dwight awoke at 3:15 a.m. to find his girlfriend, Johnette, attempting to conceal a bomb under his pillow. ” You’ve waken me up,” he said. “And I’ve discovered your treachery.”

“The only treachery is yours,” said Johnette.

“I’m only sleeping.” said Dwight. “You ‘re the one planting bombs.”

“Perhaps you deserve it,” said Johnette.

“But I love you,” siade Dwight.

“Then why do you accuse me of treachery?” said Johnette.

“It’s obvious,” said Dwight “You planned to murder me as I lie here dreaming of our sex.”

“You weren’t dreaming.” said Johnette. “I  was wastching you eyes.”

“Perhaps not, but at least I wasn’t trying to murder you,” said Dwight.

“I only meant to scare you into loving me more,” said Johnette.

“With a bomb?” said Dwight.

“You need to love me a lot more,” said Johnette.


McHarg’s work is replete with creepy  and mysterious in his The Late-Nite Maneuvers of the Ultramundane.

Why do we blog?

Perhaps five years ago, I was also a big fan of blogging. At that time, every Saturday and Sunday was the greates time in a week for after five school days, you eventually can update your blog and communicate with your blogmates, sharing the amazing things in then entire week. However, Blogging is no longer more popular than other newly emerging socializing medium like Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter and Tumblr. For now, our life is faster and faster as the development of technologies. Sharing your own life is being from everyday to every minutes or even every second. As the speeding up of  posting our stuff online, our content is shorter and vague. Most time, people even take a photo and post it on instagram as the way to share. Kind of, our inspiration gradually depend on the technologies instead of ourselves.

The most attractive factor of blogging is ‘constructing’. The agency offer us a website with our ID  and we ordinarily or extraordinarily write something on there. Blogging is kind of a strgguling, you are gonna have to give something and you would get something in return. Everyone is more or less a expert while blogging. For this record, no matter who are you in real life and what kind of person do you have, once you loged in you would obtain the sheild and become another person, also known as your ‘Blog ID’, and start your blog career. The more argument with others, the more receive you can get back. Sharing and responding consist of blog, let’s imagine that what if the world of blogging is without commentary section, do people still like to devote themselves in this area? The blogging miracle is happening within comments by comments. The interatvie system makes people unconsciously keep creating new stuffs and they wait for the respond from pubilicity. I remember one impressive moment from one eposide of ‘The Big Band Theory’ : while Lenord is upset about his favorite neigbour Penny who is gonna hang out with his another friend, his best friend  Sheldon suggest him to update his blog and get some new friends as make communicative comments.

Blogging is a discussion, good topics always catch people’ eyes. We would be kind of pround of the commentary section while many users visit and give a comment for your blog posts. Thanks to this interaction,Whether users leave a comments to agree or disgree  your post,  you would be happy for people read your post. We would like to someone admit ourselves with constructing. A good blog is not only benefited from good writing, but also comes from wide range of knowledge. In the world of blog, every different knids of people are involved, some of them might be employed as ‘expert’ in a specific area. Some people prefer challenging your idea, and Can you fight it back with your knowledge? You give the clear points and evidence to testify your idea and others proof the points with another inforamtion. This communication is impossible to be achieved on Instagram. Therefore, people might be tend to change their habitt.

We have big enough space to share our idea with blogging, no matter what kind of ‘style’ we like to use, we eventually enbale creating a special way to bring out our argument and waiting for the challengers. Blogging is an overall ability, you have to be creative and strong enough to manage your blog. Pubilic would consider you.

Science Fiction meets Design Fiction


After this week’s lecture, our tutors Elliot and Jasmine spent 15mins sharing their interpretation about science fiction and design fiction. In terms of their experience , I found there is a plenty of interests of the relationship between these two kinds of fiction. Elliot mentioned that the science fiction always ask something what will suppose to happen and the design fiction is to attempt to use fictional elements to anticipate the future. So I tried to discover more information about these aspect.

I found a blog called “How to think about the future” one article of which the author discusses about the relationship between Si-Fi and design fiction.  First of all, the writer thinks the purpose of Si-Fi speculates  about the future as a way of analyzing  the present. Nobody can make promise what will happen in the future, however, we can anticipate the future based on reality. So the Si-Fi attempt to figure our some kind of current question in a fiction world by imagination to persuade audience to concentrate on, like Elliot said, what will suppose to happen.

About design fiction, the author considers that  DF prefers to obtain the impact of technologies in the future with using the prototype object and device in the real world. It’s a sufficient way to see how the technique of fiction and drama might be manipulated and how people might respond to new designs. However, there is a inherent problem for design fiction, similarly with Si-Fi that imagination from the present world, and the speculative design are in terms of the range knowledge of today, not tomorrow, so their assumption and convention are those of  the present. Both design fiction and science fiction confront a hard question: how can you imagine characters whose personalities are formed by an entirely different social and technological  landscape?

According to the article, between design fiction and science fiction, their relationship is interesting and intricate. Both of them possess limitations and inherent expectations that help us to understand more about our relationship with technology, with each other and with our environment, but they also understand that their usefulness as truly predictive disciplines is less  fully formed. The author draw the conclusion to suggests us designers, futurists and technologists who have’t  already done so to read as much of the great Science Fiction as they can get their hands on, and also study some of the literary debate about this work because it may hold a lot of illuminating insights into how you can go about designing the future, and where you can go wrong.

(Source from:


Week 3: About Design Fiction


What is design fiction? Honestly, I have never heard these words before. For me, personally, I just hit on the idea of disgin fiction with going through the class readings. In this modern era, technologies perhaps would be the first word to indentify our lifestyle, iPhone, iPad, MP3 and something whatever. Even I could say we, human beings was trapped in the technologies. The devervasting breakthroughs, again and again, features our life! I think all the things happen around is the concept of design fiction. WHY? Let’s take a flashback for our currently past years. What was going on in this world? What kind of cell was in your pocket in 2006, or even it wasn’t there. And, is there anything else in your bag except books. Well, I anticipate someone hasn’t brought a book anymore now.


I can tell a true stroy did happen around me in one of the tutuorial of last sememster. One of the member in our room said who will brings a paper to university now while our tutor asked us to write down something on the paper. Although I can take that arrogent thought, the guy bring out the ideology for this generation which is feartured  by the technologies. I mean, we experience a bunch in a blur. New tech appears in front of us like a flash. It is too fast to give a reaction, a respond to the technologies. We are living in a breakthrough era where we can expect the born of new things and exprience it. The tendency is, absolutely, dominate the era.

In terms of the readings, the most significant concept of disign fictions is “diegetic” prototype. The readings encourage us to discover the protential objects and service and struggle to make people notice the world. The disign fiction is not mimetic fiction but a design. It reflects the world rather than tells a story.

The design fiction is a concept about creatity. The more you know, the more you think and the more you make. However, here is the fooly question. Where is your creatity? A designer must not create something impressive solely depends on their mind. The creatity is real and an idea is based on an old idea. The designer absords a diversity of knowledge from the world, they observe how this world runs. Perhaps, one day, two very different things just confront in designer’s mind. The imagination should be based on the reality so that we can produce our idea. But design fiction is not haox. Some people just take advantage of design fiction to cheat people something which never ever exist in this world for their guilt criminal issue.  The design fiction should have cornerstone which refers to the diegetic prototype in the world.

Here is a interesting ad by intel. Let’s see how they combine two irrelevant things together and make them become perfectly make sense!


For unlecture, I don’t have any expreience of it. Unlecture, for me or perhaps for most of us, provide a sprecial way to study. It offers us a wide open oppotunity for us to ultimately learn somthing. This mode highly bases on our curiousty to this world. As a new and young generation, we like to discover the stuffs around us or to be advernture on something other people think “weired”. What I try to say is unlecture ultimately make us experience a diverity things which is relevant or irrelevant to the subject and we enable learning something from the process. In the progress, we might fail to obtain the knowledge or ideas, however, in my opinions, NOTHING IS WRONG. The more exprience we had, the more things we know and nobody will have exactly same experience. Perhaps, someone couldn’t not receive anything helpful for the course, Network Media, but this person probably experience his things which nobody ever experiecned. One day, the experience the individual had today could be out of everybody’s image! Unlecture is golden time to collect  the expriences and keep it up