Week 3: About Design Fiction


What is design fiction? Honestly, I have never heard these words before. For me, personally, I just hit on the idea of disgin fiction with going through the class readings. In this modern era, technologies perhaps would be the first word to indentify our lifestyle, iPhone, iPad, MP3 and something whatever. Even I could say we, human beings was trapped in the technologies. The devervasting breakthroughs, again and again, features our life! I think all the things happen around is the concept of design fiction. WHY? Let’s take a flashback for our currently past years. What was going on in this world? What kind of cell was in your pocket in 2006, or even it wasn’t there. And, is there anything else in your bag except books. Well, I anticipate someone hasn’t brought a book anymore now.


I can tell a true stroy did happen around me in one of the tutuorial of last sememster. One of the member in our room said who will brings a paper to university now while our tutor asked us to write down something on the paper. Although I can take that arrogent thought, the guy bring out the ideology for this generation which is feartured  by the technologies. I mean, we experience a bunch in a blur. New tech appears in front of us like a flash. It is too fast to give a reaction, a respond to the technologies. We are living in a breakthrough era where we can expect the born of new things and exprience it. The tendency is, absolutely, dominate the era.

In terms of the readings, the most significant concept of disign fictions is “diegetic” prototype. The readings encourage us to discover the protential objects and service and struggle to make people notice the world. The disign fiction is not mimetic fiction but a design. It reflects the world rather than tells a story.

The design fiction is a concept about creatity. The more you know, the more you think and the more you make. However, here is the fooly question. Where is your creatity? A designer must not create something impressive solely depends on their mind. The creatity is real and an idea is based on an old idea. The designer absords a diversity of knowledge from the world, they observe how this world runs. Perhaps, one day, two very different things just confront in designer’s mind. The imagination should be based on the reality so that we can produce our idea. But design fiction is not haox. Some people just take advantage of design fiction to cheat people something which never ever exist in this world for their guilt criminal issue.  The design fiction should have cornerstone which refers to the diegetic prototype in the world.

Here is a interesting ad by intel. Let’s see how they combine two irrelevant things together and make them become perfectly make sense!


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