Week 10_PLANNING ‘Shooting day’

This shooting is an experiment to achieve my project. My main idea is exploring the relationship between the manipulate of camera, the position of character/s and the constraint space.

This scene describes Veronica (Starred by Evelyn), who is diagnosed as brain cancer, and she does not want to tell his boyfriend. Her two best girl friends Julie (Polly) and Emma (Lisa) attempt to resolve this situation. Veronica is sad and depressed but she does not want to hurt her boyfriend because she loves him. Julie and Emma try to help Veronica out but they do not really understand what Veronica is thinking.

According to the story above, what I try to achieve is how I emphasize the connection among three characters in the space. I find a way to reveal each character following one shot and another rather than start with an establishing shot showing all characters.


Starting shot



The first shot is a dolly shot starts with a medium close up on Julie who leans on a window between kitchen and living room. The shot begins to pull back away from Julie following her extensive arm as a leading line to reveal the space. The motion stops until a piece of paper appears. Stopping on the piece of paper for two or three seconds, the camera is about to pan to the right to show that Emma is sitting besides the table and she looks at the direction of Julie and the paperwork hold in her hand.


The Second Shot: Reverse Shot


(Figure 2)

The next shot that I employ the technique of Shot/Reverse Shot by putting the camera behind Emma. See (Figure.2). This shot mainly consists of two characters, Emma who is in the foreground and Julie who is in the background, creating a different layers in the space. Personally, this kind of composition is my preference. In such a composition, there are many information that you could put into your scene because the space is rather flat, but really deep. The contrast of size and the brightness/darkness contrast is creating a visual effect that attracts audiences.

In this shot, Emma picks up the paper and she looks at Julie. For a very short moment, Julie and Emma have a tacit communication by eye contacts. They seem to understand something and They turn their eyes to the direction out of the frame. At the point, I consider that eyeliner is a significant line that reveals the following content. My argument that audiences always pay attention to the character’s performance. When the character looks at something, audiences will be aware of their eye. To reveal the next shot, my decision is to ask my characters both look out of the frame.


The third shot: Triangle Relationship



This shot is my favourite one in the scene. The success that I generate a triangle by arranging characters in different position in the space. Veronica is placed in the foreground, Emma sits beside the table amid Veronica and Emma in the kitchen, and Julie leans at the window that is at the background.

I think triangle is stable and attractive composition. First of all, you need three things to set up a triangle. In the story, Julie and Emma try to help Veronica to revolve the her problem. In this context, I, therefore, compose a triangle with my three characters. Veronica is the prime character in the scene so I put her into the foreground. Emma and Julie observes Veronica behind her.



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