Working the method_1: A Long Take

The first time I watched Martin Scorsese’s famous long take in Goodfellas (1990), ‘The Copacabana Shot’. Honestly, I was stunned. I couldn’t remember how do I get into the restaurant from the street outside. The reason is not I didn’t pay attention to. It is because everything is too amazing to watch at one time.

In the long take, every frame is carefully elaborated by Martin Scorsese. The camera follow two main characters in a lane way inside the restaurant. The amazement is the environment. Martin Scorsese has done a wonderful job by manipulating people in the space. Travelling through the lane way, you enter a busy kitchen where everyone is in a hurry to work. Every character is doing their own thing like you are really experiencing a scene of busy kitchen.

Personally, the attraction of long take is much more fascinating than the magic of montage.

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