200 years ago then, Technology always referred to the machines because people are experiencing the second industrial revolution. The electronic makes people more convenient for their life. Human begun to use electronic lights instead of traditional lights as well as they communicate through telephone displaying letter writing. Technology always is relevant to something about electronic. However,In the last twenties years, people were experiencing the third industrial revolution because of Internet networking by which the digital technologies have an amount of proliferation. As the boosting development of technologies, older electronic and print media are confronting with a big challenge of new media. Consequently, such a challenging is compelling older forms to rebuild their status within our modern culture.
Jay David Bolter defines the representation of one medium in another remediation. The essence of remediation is borrowing which shift the representation of one or more preceding medium to another new medium for better improvements. Therefore, why the remediation is relevant to new digital media as a defining characteristic? The film Strange Days reveals a fascinating world by setting the world saturating with rich media technologies which ultimately satisfy use’s desire of immediacy to people communication. One of the most significant technologies is the wire that offers the virtual reality on hypermedia with which users enable experiencing other people’s experience. Such a technology contenting immediacy is designed to make users be unconsciousness of the presence of itself in order for erasing itself. This film reflects remediation employs a double paradoxical logic of immediacy and hypermediacy. Our culture ideally wants to erase its media in the very act of multiplying them. In our modern context, even though each new medium characterizes the advantages of its predecessors for a more immediate or authentic experience, people inevitably become aware of the new medium as a medium. The immediacy is dependent upon hypermediacy.
For now, the tendency of technology is combinative. The more representations one medium can contain, the more attractive the medium is, for example, the latest invention from Microsoft ‘Xbox One’, the meaning of which is “All in one”. According to Swider (2013) this machine is not only dedicated to gaming but also it mostly can deal with every daily thing else: Television, apps, services and music. Xbox One apparently borrows windowed frame style from ‘World Wide Web’, every single window operates one program and it allows players utilize different programs by switching the windows. While watching television a user can either return to overall interface and choose another programming window or insert another interface in the same frame so user can synchronously enjoy a TV show and program another project. This kind of technology involving everything makes customer become arbitrary when they use the medium.
Bolter, J. D 1999, Remediation: Understanding new media, The MIT Press,Cambridge, pp.2-16.