Title: Week 8 Update: Character Development, Plot Refinement, and Cinematography Discussions
In our latest week of collaboration, our group delved deep into character development, plot refinement, and cinematography discussions, each aspect contributing to the shaping of our project’s direction and vision.
One of the key highlights of this week was our intensive character brainstorming session. Through collective writing sessions, we crafted five distinct characters, each with their own unique traits and interwoven relationships. From the longstanding friendship between Josh and Adam to Milly Bobby’s introduction along with her date, Kevin, every character adds depth and complexity to our narrative. Josh’s palpable anxiety, Adam’s laid-back demeanour, and Kevin’s earnest attempts to impress Milly Bobby all contribute to the dynamic tension within our story.
With comprehensive character profiles in hand, we found it significantly easier to chart the course of our script. By reverse-engineering the plot, we could envision where our group would ultimately end up and then work backward to determine the path our characters would take to reach that destination. This methodical approach ensures coherence and authenticity in our storytelling, setting a solid foundation for our scriptwriting endeavours.
However, as we delved deeper into plot discussions, we recognized the importance of establishing the rules of the world we’re creating. Are we operating in a realm where outrageous events occur with regularity, or do we aim for a more grounded, relatable setting? While both approaches offer comedic potential, clarity on this front is essential for guiding our narrative decisions and maintaining consistency throughout the script.
Furthermore, our group devoted considerable time to discussing the cinematography aspects of our project. With a designated role in this area, I absorbed valuable insights from my peers regarding their visions and preferences. Consensus emerged around the desire for cinematography that stands out, incorporating elements like anamorphic and fisheye lenses to infuse our visuals with a surreal quality. Additionally, the prospect of utilizing a high-quality camera with ample room for colour manipulation in post-production excited us, promising to elevate the visual storytelling aspect of our project.
As we conclude this week’s reflections, our group feels invigorated by the progress made and the clarity gained regarding our project’s direction. With character profiles fleshed out, plot trajectories mapped, and cinematography concepts explored, we’re poised to continue advancing towards the realization of our creative vision.