Reflecting on representing the real world as part of a nonfiction media practice

In my video project, I found that a particular scene effectively conveyed a sense of authenticity and engaged the audience in a personal, relatable moment. This scene aligns with Bill Nichols’ modes of documentary representation, specifically the performative mode, as it emphasizes the performative aspects of the participant’s interaction with the camera and the filmmakers.


The moment I found particularly compelling was when the participant, unaware of the camera’s presence initially, shared light-hearted jokes about oranges. The inclusion of the filmmaker’s laughter in the background further added to the authenticity of the scene, creating a sense of shared intimacy between the participant, the filmmakers, and the eventual audience.


This scene aligns with Nichols’ performative mode, as it highlights the performative nature of the participant’s interaction with the camera, revealing a spontaneous and unguarded side of their personality. By capturing the participant’s unscripted and genuine humor, the scene adds a humanizing element to the documentary, allowing the audience to connect with the participant on a more personal level.


Moreover, this scene’s inclusion in the final video work serves to emphasize the genuine, unfiltered moments that occur naturally within the context of the participant’s storytelling. It helps to establish an authentic connection between the audience and the participant, fostering a sense of empathy and relatability. By showcasing the participant’s natural wit and the filmmakers’ genuine reactions, the scene contributes to the overall authenticity and sincerity of the nonfiction narrative, creating a more engaging and compelling viewing experience for the audience.


The decision to put it before or after the title, was made after seeing the impact of the two different versions on audience, who were some of our friends. and at the end we all decided it would be better and more effective to put it after the title. It is also important to mention that it was intentionally plant right after the intro, to make the audience wonder how this man who is going through a medical emergency here, healthy in front of the camera and making jokes about oranges. It would also make the audience more likely to empathise with the participant, as they feel more involved and engaged to the process of making the film.


In line with the discussion of representing the real world within a nonfiction media practice, this particular scene exemplifies how the use of performative elements can contribute to the portrayal of genuine human experiences, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the subject of the documentary.



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