Research #4 – Jackie Chan

It is a very inspiring video clip I have seen in the research that contains exactly what I am investigating about in this project. If I research about fight scenes, to research about Jackie Chan is necessary.

This clip is illustrating the differences of the fight scenes between asian cinema and Hollywood cinema. Obviously, Jackie Chan is the most qualified to comment the differences. In the interview, Jackie Chan points out that he likes to use handheld or dolly moves rather than using cuts in a fight scene.

He says, ‘Like American movies, there are a lot of movements. When the camera angle moves that means the actors don’t know how to fight.’ In Hollywood movies, we can see the cameras swing in the fight scenes to let the shot seems more violent. But Jackie Chan says, ‘I never move the camera. Always steady and wide angle. Let them I jumping down, I do the flips, I do the falls…’

Why those fight scene would be more impressive? Because it will make action and reaction are in the same frame. Apart from this, this is also about the budget, making a long take in a fight scene would help the tight budget, especially in Asian cinema. Also, a wide shot long take would let the audience feel the rhythm in the scene rather than cuts in every single hit like the fight scenes in Hollywood. I think it is about the continuity in a scene. If directors shoot the fight scene with a lengthy take, it could make the fights to be more real and powerful. In contrast, Hollywood movies use the cuts in fight scenes with close ups, sometimes they don’t show the hits at all, the audience cannot feel the power as well. In my project, I will try to make a fight scene with a long take to try to contain action and reaction in the same frame.

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