This is another long take that inspired me to shoot in the project. Fight in a narrow hallway, and a smart skill that using the rooms in the hallway to do off frame fights. Audience will wait Matt, the main guy coming back to the hallway. Also, there is a shot that throwing the microwave to the hallway is one of the best moments in this shot, it could bring Matt and audience back to the hallway and push the scene forward.
But it was not an easy shot, this single shot has been shot for two days, 12 times in total. When it came time to shoot, they spent the first half of the day blocking the choreography with cinematographer Matt Lloyd to make sure the camera movements and the action were in full synchronization. “The second half of the day was just going for it full tilt,” said Silvera. “In that particular fight, we had over 105 fight beats. Normally, on any given cut on a film, you’ll get three or four beats before you see a cut. We had guys coming at him from multiple angles at the same time — never just one guy at a time.” They finally found the perfect shot around the tenth or twelfth take.”
So I have come up with an idea in my project is to film in a narrow hallway, to make a long take fight scene, to investigate how to control the coverage in a fight scene with a long take, and how to communicate with actors before the shot.