Project film #1

This is a remake of the stairs exercise that is done on week 7, I think it is worth do it because I investigate how the directors to reach the perfection while they are filming in the research project. In this film, I chose to do exactly the same with the week 7’s exercise, same shots, same sets, and same actors. I did the repeat was to challenge myself how to make the video perfect with the constraints. I filmed it in the class time, so it was very limited for me to shoot, but it was a great opportunity to do the “running and gunning”, run and gun is not just a basketball strategy, it also applies on filming. As a remake of the previous exercise, I have had the images in my mind already, so I could film straight away and do the same thing. This time I knew that I had to control the focal length, exposure and focus better since I was not satisfied with the one I filmed last time. And I finished shooting with around 25 minutes because I was familiar with what I shot on set, I knew how to communicate with actors and what the shot angles I needed, so I could speed up the shooting and made it effective.

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