MOOD BOARD – Fashion in film.
Essentially, I pitched the idea for my final project as one that i’ve been talking about since the start of the semester. I want to create a fashion film that follows my friend, Emily Nolan, at the start of her day to the end of her day. She’s a unique and outstanding individual who knows how to have fun, that’s for sure. Fun follows her and I would love to capture that on film. I tend to have word vomit whenever I have to present something to the class and this was no different. Pretty sure I described my film as “Lower East Side New York meets Studio 54, meets The Kardashians, meets John Waters meets Madonna”. How cringe worthy but its true.
As for the feedback presented by Nick, Robin and Christina, I agreed with everything they said and intend to take it all on board. Nick probably raised the main issue that I was concerned with from the beginning and that was how I was going to capture everything that I wanted to capture, especially if I was going to responsible for filming a whole party. He suggested I go in knowing exactly what shots I want and this is something that I seriously have to start thinking about! Other things that I have to think about are what camera I plan on using and also how I will go about tackling the issue of sound, again, as it will be filmed during a party and it might be a bit hectic if I have techno layered over the top! All interesting and viable issues that i’m sure will become a lot clearer in the coming days and hopefully not weeks!