the shoot

With the script done, the next step is to shoot the footage. Before the shoot however, there were some list to check off. Firstly, the location is at my friend’s (Terry) house. The actress is also one of my friend, Niki, who’s also a media…


For this project, lighting is one of the more important elements. I have really little experience with lighting in general, this includes lighting setups and the lighting gear on its own. I’ve worked with an LED light panel before for my last project, so that’s…

scripting exercise (The Breakfast Club)

During the consultation of our projects to Brian last week, since I’m focusing on scripting and dialogues, he suggested to do an exercise on de-scripting movies. This means I’ll be turning a scene into a script. He also suggested to do on movies that might…

The Breakfast Club

Since my movie will focus on its dialogues, I recalled the movie I had to watch for my cinema studies class last year, The Breakfast Club which was also a pretty dialogue-heavy movie. The Breakfast Club was a movie written, produced, and directed by John Hughes,…