exploring editing styles

In this week’s reading by Broderick Fox, he discussed different editing techniques used in documentary films, including cross cutting, creating the feeling of suspense and surprise, to the implementation of teasers/trailers in a documentary film.

Fox explained how Crosscutting can link spaces and times between scenes but also “in the spirit of Soviet montage” (2017, pg. 224), manipulates the perception of documentary truth beyond frames. Relating this technique to my own project, I plan to only implement it subtly, using the former mentioned function, to create a sense of continuity. I think it’s important that the viewers feel a unity of temporal space while watching the film, even when in reality the scenes does not occur all at the same time or even day.

In the reading, it also discusses Ava DuVernay’s editing style in her documentary 13th (2016). She transcends the typically plain archival footage by implementing them into the film in such a creative and seamless manner that works to enhance the stories verbalised by the interviewees. There are also clever uses of on-screen texts and animated motion graphics which serves to make the film engaging. Since my film will also be interview based, I hope to skilfully pick footage that will really make the narration behind it shine instead of being there just for the sake of it. Also I hope to do some creative experiments with the footage that I took to give an element of playfulness for the film.

Regarding the implementation of teasers, I’m not sure if it would work in my project since it will only be around 4-5 minutes long. I also think teasers will work well it the focus is on a character as well as a more emotional or deep story, but again, mine is about a place.

“[E]diting is where, perhaps even more crucially, choices in what to include or exclude in which a participant’s words or actions are presented can all profoundly impact the lives of real individuals and communities.” (Fox 2017, pg. 228)

Lastly, I think that the process of editing is such an interesting journey. As Fox explained, it is where a story is being put together into a coherent piece, where we can experiment and decide what and how this narrative is being presented to the audience. Regardless of the editing techniques that was mentioned above, I believe everyone has their own editing style and I hope that I can continue to improve and establish a unique style that is mine.


Reference List:

Fox, B 2017, Documentary Media : History, Theory, Practice, Routledge, ProQuest Ebook Central database.


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