Based on L’Étranger
Our learning has entered the next stage. For the next four weeks, we will devote our time to two short projects, filming two short scenes. I’m now in a group of five with Sylvia, Yolanda, Kris, and Rachel. We will be filming the last section of Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Our primary plan, for now, is that project two will be based on the outcome of project one. If the first one turns out well, we may choose another approach to film this scene. Or, (even though I haven’t discussed this with my group members yet,) I could write up a very short script that resembles this scene. As Sylvia and I have talked about before, we actually wanted to film a final scene based on one of my story ideas (which is inspired by Camus’ book and Kafka’s The Trial). However, since the time we have falls short, we will start with the book’s last paragraph. Here is a document/summary of our presentation.
There are three things we got from the presentation feedback: 1. How do we want to design the light? 2. How about we film it in different locations? 3. Do we really need a male actor?
- Yes, this is definitely a major thing for us to consider before the filming. It is only that our group hasn’t decided the exact approach we want for the scene. The text itself is a complicated one; and I, as the only one who has read the book, have to figure it out and explain it to my group members. There are simply too many ways for us to film this scene. For time being, I want two lights on the same side in a dark room. I think the lighting design will depend hugely on the excerpt. For example, the light on the actor’s face will be quite soft when he talks about his mother. We also haven’t decided whether we want colored lights yet, but it is a possibility. I also propose to try out the scene with the lights at a studio in uni first (before filming on location) to decided the lighting design because it is quite difficult for us to imagine how the light will go. It may look drastically different from what we expected as we are still inexperienced with the lights.
- I really liked Paul’s suggestion. This option has flashed through my head before the presentation, but I wasn’t sure. It is again a hard decision to choose one approach over another after I learn the myriad possibilities for any one scene. After our second meeting on Monday, we have a tentative decision that we will film in two locations rather than multiple: one is on the lawn by the beach, the other is in a dark small room. Both are imaginary spaces for Meuraslt while the latter one resembles his actual physical space: the prison cell.
- No. Definitely no. Thanks to Paul, I can argue that the character can be performed by either a man or a woman. It is only that we need to find someone whose appearance is just right for the part. Meursault is an ordinary guy. He must not look anti-social or too young. I’ve found a few images for the possible look of the character.
Night Car Scene
The fifth group presented on Monday has given a very detailed plan for their projects. Their scenes for the two projects are going to be shot in a car and they have already drawn the storyboards.
For this scene, they intend to learn from it and create a neo-noir look. They plan to film it outside “Magic Mountain Saloon” to get the neon reflection on the windshield. As it is drawn in their storyboards, they will also need to capture the interior of the car. Therefore, the camera they will be using is a small camera with a cropped sensor. They also fancy a rain effect on the windshield if possible. The challenge they have anticipated is to do with depth of field. In order to get a wide shot like this with a shallow depth of field is difficult to achieve with the wrong lenses. And, if they are going to use a camera with a cropped sensor, chances to achieve the look will be even diminished.
I really like their idea regarding the night car scene. Their plan is all in one place, achievable and coherent while acknowledging the obstacles. It would be great if they do achieve something like the shot in Pulp Fiction. One thing I feel will be an issue is the location. If it is possible to really get the reflection of the neon light on the windshield and if they can just film it on the street without interfering others too much. I understand that it will be filmed at night so it is a plus because there will be fewer people. I also wonder how will they light the scene appropriately at night. It is also a bit hard to achieve the lighting since they need to power the lights for long enough if they are using the portable batteries. I really would like to know how will they solve all these obstacles. If they do, it will be marvelous to see their final product. I’m looking forward to it!
A Minor Note
After the presentation, I feel that many of us are generally aiming at a moody/dim lighting for our projects. I guess the reason is that there will be more variations in lighting if we film in the dark when we need lights. Thus I think our scene won’t be all filmed in a dark interior anymore. For more information on our project, please go here.
April. 23