Set Four Numbers: 480, 125, 929, 1006, 182, 953, 572, 561, 396.
Visitors come and leave,
mind-boggled by the European spectacle.
The spectacle stands
as if it has always been there.
But it has not.
It has seen wars, been through demolition
—and, got rebuilt.
The Europeans has tried hard
to persevre the yesterday’s glory.
there lies a piece of rotten wood,
or wasted steel
or a sinking boat.
Traces of civilisation,
the last frontier of defense,
we wish,
it does not end up the same
as that boat in Arles.
A nice mix of photos from four cities.
No.1. Where are the arrows pointing towards?
No.3. “A reflection of the past.” This is what those old buildings in Europe reminded me of.
No.4. Spent a whole afternoon in Arles. The sinking boat was there all along. It felt so serene that one would think nothing bad could happen here. Will this really last?
No.6. It would take at least two days to go through the Louvre.
No.7. One word to describe the Europe experience: cinematic.
No.8. A scene in Berlin. On the river, on a boat. You see the other side of Berlin—unrefined.