Reading Alien Phenomenology has been an enjoyable experience and an enlightenment. I first started to take an interest in philosophy when I was reading Sophie’s World. It’s a novel-like introduction to philosophy which unravels with a mysterious letter Sophie received. The name of my blog, Stardust, is actually acquired from that book. Anyway, the subject our readings has been talking about is ontology, which is a branch of metaphy sics in philosophy. (Another branch could be epistemology, looking at the theory of knowledge.) My knowledge of those topics, or any I’ve been leaning in this degree are very superficial. I suppose it’s always going to be like that: The more I know, the more I know that I don’t know. [However what I think, I remember Adrian saying it is knowing how that matters now, not what. (or something like that?) ]

I think I’ve always believed in science (scientific naturalism), because that’s the only thing that I can depend on which does not lie (and because I grew up in this times?). Many ideologies have their flaws in reasoning or proving; and some may be used for one’s own interest. But now, sometimes I thought science may just be a product of some type of thinking paradigm. Yet whatever we do, we just wish to make more sense of the world.

[I’ve been thinking of improving my photography skills while doing a work on OOO. Just a thought, so if I do start on this, I will be posting. ]


