For the morning studio in Tuesday, I always forget a few things Adrian talked about. There’s usually plenty of examples given that I almost forget the main argument. It’s all quite divergent thinking, informative.
- Magical Thinking: In psychology, it means the delusional belief of one who finds thinking can bring changes to the world, usually the causation is illogical to common minds.
- Thinking like the Machine: There has been an interesting point made that we as media makers should train with an ontological thinking: we need to know what matters to the cameras while filming—contrast and white balance or the sound recorders—levels of volume and atmosphere, noises.
- Binary: I mentioned the similar idea, dualism in my other post. We humans are deep in this way of thinking: man & female, young & old, good & bad. Well, my argument here is that is it possible that the reason behind it is that we developed a sense of self, while other than that, we named it outside the world. So the “binaries” start going on and an interest in noticing patterns encourage us even more to such logic.