First, let’s talk about the observations. I found myself really immersing in writing some of them, especially when I’m describing the moments that stoke me at the time. For example, observations#2 and #3 weren’t very good because I went out intentionally in search of the materials; on the other hand, #4 was better as I really was touched by the observations I made of that moment. I noticed that I love to add philosophical reflections along with what I saw. I can relate one tiny matter to many subjects; and sometimes add in my emotional appeals. I suppose that is a good trend as I have so much to tell, but sometimes I may have talked too much to have a focus. I also want to work out how to present those reflections and emotions in film language with my style(which I am still looking for). Ideas are good, but there are many ways to express them.
As I am interested in many things, the themes of my observations can be a little tricky to figure out. I’ve looking at the themes in nature, life, human nature and social problems, but I hope to look more at the latter three in the future. Still, I’m too young and inexperienced to say I know about life and human nature, but who does?
(I also need to try to update my observations regularly. “Writing” has always been the biggest “monster” for me to overcome at the end. If it’s a math or physics problem, I usually solve it the day it is given to me; but I left arts and languages to the last. I guess it’s just a bad habit.:))
This week has been productive as I’ve been making a formal interview with group members and watched a couple of good examples of short films and interviews. Issues regarding the filming of the interviews, like the interviewee’s eye line, the composition, the lighting, the head space, have been talked about. The suggestions are useful. Because the angle that we choose to shoot a formal interview is one crucial decision to make, I’ve noticed that I will look at the shooting angles in a shot now. Before, I would look at elements like compositions and editing. Also, the lighting is always the first thing to control. IMPORTANT.
During Media one, I also did a kind of interview thing. I suppose it is a clear and great starting point for us, since the formal one is like the practise for many basics of filming.