#Project Brief 3: In Art, Peter Lives.
For my third project, which is still a media portrait of a person, I choose to introduce Peter, Junru Tao,…
For my third project, which is still a media portrait of a person, I choose to introduce Peter, Junru Tao,…
It has been long since the last time that I watched a movie only for pleasure—usually it was for film…
The marks for the last submission work has been available on the google drive. I was expecting a decent mark…
Narrative Structure In PB3 What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait? In other words, what is the…
Sometimes I think that our human take things for granted too much that that they fail to notice the beauty…
French culture is amazing. I have watched this musical about 5 years ago. Now that I pick it up and…
When I see the words “cult films”, my instant understanding differ quite a lot from its actual definition. Learning with…
?”Storytelling is the creative demonstration of truth. A story is the living proof of an idea, the conversion of idea…
(The weekend that I’m talking about here includes Friday because I have no classes on that day.) Two things:…
AFTER CINEMA STUDIES SCREENING When we are editing films, we are making a decision of how the shots are connected…