(The weekend that I’m talking about here includes Friday because I have no classes on that day.)
Two things:
#1. On Friday, I was planning to write blog posts that afternoon; however, Peter (the person that I was to film about for PB3) suddenly texted me that he had time to film the “Beijing Opera face” part of my video. Then I thought that since he rarely had time for things other than studying, I should give up the schedule for that day. I did have a general idea of what I should film with only about 3-4 shots drawn on paper, so I was sure that I could get many shots filmed that day; though, usually things just don’t go the way you planned.
After we met, he started drawing the Beijing Opera face on a mask. I had nothing to do except for filming him painting, but I didn’t need all that many footages of painting. While waiting, I had to sit there idly doing some reading. Maybe it’s due to the lack of communication; maybe it’s due to the waiting that I relaxed; maybe it’s just my fault that I was actually uncertain of what shots I really wanted; my brain was a blank. After he finished the mask, I didn’t know what to film. Even though I found somewhere with a good composition, I failed to come up with some good ideas.
Then I just gave up, I said that I would choose another day for filming. Peter, being older than me, said something that stroke me. He reminded me that if I really wanted to be a director, I must be determined. I shouldn’t hesitate like that. Directors need to speak up, be charismatic. From what I had behaved, I did’t look like a director at all. Peter, it seemed to me, almost made a speech on this and also said a lot on culture background. The words were advices but they were sharp, which I was grateful for. I suppose I still have a very long way from my goal. I need to be more active, more determined and just speak up. I know that I am an introvert, that I am a quite person, that I don’t like speak in public; but I have to be able to overcome these to be a director. His words alerted me.
That night, I sank in my thoughts, got really frustrated and came up with the storyboards below which are very abstract for many (I am not very good at drawing which is something I also need to improve on.):
#2. On Sunday, I went to Brighton Beach for photos. The gear that I used was Canon 80D. The shooting went well but I came to a problem when trying to view my photos on the computer. The RAW format just couldn’t be opened with photoshop or lightroom. Then I found out that my 80D recorded with the newest RAW format and it must require a newest version of software or download a DNG converter. I used the latter method and converted the photos in the following procedure: RAW->DNG->JPEG. In this way, it seems that the saturation of the pictures become lower than it used to be which is quite interesting. Here’s some of the photos: