Week 10 Lectorial: All about Sound

This week we take a break our focus from visual media and all the administrative stuff that comes with it, to bring our attention to sound. Listening to this talk by Kyla Brettle felt like familiar territory and  almost de ja vu like as I have heard her perspective on formulating an audio piece run almost parallel to what I have learn in my Sound Design Elective this semester. She did , of course, shed new light to the topic, which is:

“Cut straight to the action and the most interesting content you have”

It was refreshing to hear this and to be reminded to essentially not waste time analysing the entire recording. Having a firm understanding of the piece and a good idea of important elements of the recording, I have realised that doing this would dramatically save time as we eliminate room for uncertainty as we are distracted from the disengaging and irrelevant portions of the recordings.

Other notable tips that I found helpful for future reference, especially for the last assignment for the semester, were:

  • regularly save work (If I had a dollar for every time I lost unsaved work!)
  • be more subtle and creative, rather than obvious and bland
  • segment your content to give better flow and expression of information

I have been listening to a few podcasts lately, and out of all them, Guardian Science Weekly is reflective of some of the elements (structure of content, use of music and interviews) presented in Kyla’s talk.

link: https://soundcloud.com/guardianscienceweekly/science-weekly-can-we-cure


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