The storyworld of Deluge has taken shape in the form of a disaster murder mystery mini-series. The *atmospheria is detailed below: Deluge is set in the newly established tight-knit Victorian town of Claranda during the 1860’s gold rush. The wealthy landowner, Mr....
I asked myself the very simple question “What is my world?”. For many weeks I didn’t have a clue what my world would look like, luckily it is now taking shape. I was inspired by the reading for Week 5, “Working with Genre I” (Dancyger...
This week in the Another World studio we tried out some methods for developing storyworlds. Method #1 The first method involved starting with a setting and brainstorming different possibilities using either a flow chart or a mind map. This idea was taken from...
This week in the Another World studio we looked at the ‘Working with Genre I” reading (Dancyger & Rush 2013). The reading attempts to describe the characteristics of popular genres. I found the reading helpful if it was provided as a guide and...
During the Another World studio, we analysed the story sequence in “Up”. First we watched the story sequence, and then we attempted to write the sequence. It was very difficult as it is hard to separate what was in the script, and what was interpreted by...
This week we were assigned the Adam Ganz reading “‘To Make you see’: Screenwriting, description and the ‘lens-based’ tradition” for the Another World studio. The reading attempts to contextualize screenwriting as a descriptive art....
Recently, I have been watching a lot of Indian cinema. The Tamil movie, Kadhalan (1994) caught my attention because of the famous dance sequence Muqabala Muqabala. It was difficult to find a translated version of the film, however I managed to find a low quality...
It is easy to hit a roadblock and get stuck when attempting to be creative. When writing, the difficulty is often pronounced because of the solitude involved. This is why I find it imperative to receive feedback from people that I trust in order to workshop the idea....
In class, we were asked to craft a story from a succession of images provided by the groups during the photo exercise, in which we were asked to capture RMIT’s world in five to nine still photographs. I chose the story “Study Buddy” and crafted a story...