In the seminar our Project Brief 2 projects, the Media Self Portrait 2.0 were due. We went through and watch everyone in the class’s project. This is the only class I had been late to (my apologies) because of a combination of fatigue from producing and directing the...
In this weeks lectorial we were greeted with Adrian Miles, who discussed film ontology. What ideas are behind what we do? I am interested in film ontology and started a very brief introduction thanks to the free online MIT course, Philosophy of Film. I am not...
In this week’s media seminar we delved deeper into editing. We explored techniques that have been used in editing audio files. This idea has influenced the way I would like to complete my Media Self-Portrait. I enjoy snorkeling and scuba diving. Recently I...
I have been developing a webisode series idea with my partner, Amitoze Nandha for the past five months called Mel and Rana, and we found out that we have been selected for the HP ‘Bend The Rules’. I am extremely excited and also nervous, because we have...
Today’s lectorial saw many guest lecturers. Anne Lennox, Senior Coordinator,Copyright Mgt & Digit, University Library spoke passionately about copyright. Mentioning the various copyright issues that exist in a highly digitized I have extensive experience...
In the media seminar today, we reviewed each others Lofi Media Self-Portraits. We were asked to use the Edward de Bono hat method to critique the work. We used the yellow hat (providing positive feedback), the red hat (gut reaction feedback), Black hat (negative or...