Real-World Media: Media Audit

What media do you use every day? List technologies and platforms and what you use them for.

  • Phone: To connect and communicate with friends and family, as well as access various media platforms.
  • Laptop: Like phone, used as a medium to communicate and access various platforms. Also used for university work, research, etc..
  • * Books: used for entertainment, or for uni work
  • TikTok: used for entertainment
  • Twitter: used for entertainment and to follow the news
  • Snapchat: used to communicate with people
  • Instagram: used to connect and communicate with friends and family.
  • Streaming services- Netflix, Binge, Amazon Prime etc: used to for entertainment, to watch shows and movies
  • Spotify: used to listen to music/podcasts
  • WhatsApp: used to communicate with people


Choose three out of your list and research them.

Spotify: Provides audiences a way to listen to music and stream podcasts for free (with ads).

  • Spotify was founded on the 23rd April 2006 by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon.
  • Launched in Sweden, the company has expanded across the world, including to Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia.
  • In the year 2022, Spotify raised a revenue of 11.7 billion euros (18.5 billion AUD). However, the company is operating at a loss, at the conclusion of 2022, Spotify had a net loss of 430 million euros (679 million AUD).
  • As a global company, Spotify is a large supporter of various charities and philanthropic endeavours across the world. Promoting justice, equity and diversity. Some programs and charities supported by the company include- HeadCount, Sound Up, and Music Health Alliance.


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