This week, Sam Tate was invited to our class as a specialist from the industries. Sam works in a studio that produces AR/VR video, and he gave plenty of useful information to us. He touched on a bit of the process of producing professional AR/VR works. In addition, Sam also talked about using pitch to present the idea to others.

On Friday class, we had the opportunity to work as a team and made pitches to the rest of the class. we did pitches for a VR game that gamers role-playing as the lighthouse. To be honest, the presentation was not that good but we had a lot of fun.

After pitching, I found that public speaking is still a big issue for me, and I have to practice as much as possible later on.

Overall, it was a great experience even though it was still quite embarrassing to speak in front of the public.

Here are the slides for our pitches