Tag: presentation

Final Project Presentation

Last Tuesday (week 10) everyone presented in class their plan for the Photobook project. We had guest teacher to come serve in the panel to give comments and opportunity for students to ask question & advice.  A very intimidating but very useful class, everyone explained their idea brilliantly and all of their ideas are impressive.

I explained during the 2 minute Presentation what I have learned so far about the Uses of Photography. With the first and second project Brief, I’ve learned to draw upon my own style through my inspirations. While I still can’t put a name to it, I understand what sort of photos I like to take. With the second Project Brief, I learn about the relation of photographs and narratives. I learn the unique process of telling a story using images. All of what I’ve learned so far has motivated me into my idea for the final assignment.

When Brian Gave an online questionnaire to the class about our future goals, I said that I want learn to work in a studio environment. But I didn’t manage to do that in the first assignment and it wasn’t possible with the second. So I am going to try it for this assignment. Brian has taught the class about studio lighting in week 3 so I will practice from there.

My Idea for the next project comes with inspiration from the TV show ‘Black Mirror’. Black Mirror is a series that shows how technology can pragmatically affect how society works. I want to make a Photobook that shows how dependent we are with our digital screens, in particular our smartphones and laptops. I want to do this because I am one of those people. I want to emphasize the reliance of digital screen as an alternative source of light. Especially at night time.

Presenting and asking for suggestion helped me to consider if my idea is pursuable. The next step is to find the right equipment and right setting and think of ideas where digital screen and people’s face can be most exploited. I will consult with Brian while brainstorming through google and Pinterest.

Further practice for Projec Brief 1

duane michals-paradise regained

Within the second week of the Month/Semester, Brian allowed the class to experiment and find our styles of photograhy by sending us around the CBD to practice using manual setting in a camera, whether it is from a DSLR or from your everyday-smartphone.  It was a super-bright and sunny day, what a coincidence. I had the opportunity to check around A’beckett street.  After 1 hour of sight-seeing and picture-taking, I went back with the others to check on the photos and saved it in the shared class folder.

3 days after Tuesday we had our second class. Project Brief 1 was due,  which everyone in the class had to present a photographer/visual artist that inspired them. For mine I chose Duane Michals, an American photographer whose work I find very attractive.

He  is the person first known for his Photo-sequences, mini movies that entails a narrative around love, mortality, sexuality, life & celebration of youth. He also likes to put his handwriting as an extension of his picture to give more context and background he believes the picture alone can not tell you. He doesn’t believe that “a picture speaks a thousand words”. Because you can only learn so much from a photo.

I love how Duane likes to break the rules, since he doesn’t know that there is a rule. He does what his mind provoked him to do, and let his emotion lead the creative process of his work. While often criticized, it only inspires him more to continue his work.

Week 5 Update



In week 5 there was no class, the first project brief presentation was done on Thursday. I have to say everyone’s video was stunning, the content were amazing. They all looked very  articulated. I was worried though that my video kind of looked different, but I hoped it still would satisfy the audience.

But everyone still kept in touch in the Facebook group, and Kim gave us a photo of ‘some speculations on participatory documentary environments’, and one point got me

This form of documentary responds not to big issues and individual portraits, but the micro and the multiple

After seeing this I got a little bit more clearance of what an open space documentary is. It doesn’t have to be a ‘grand’ or involves ‘the bigger cause’, it focuses on the micro, the smaller, unseen community, that has their special uniqueness, but never represented.  I don’t have to make my videos really flash, i just have to collaborate with my ‘subject’ to make the most collaborative video I can make.

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