Tag: morris

Week 3 in Progress.


Brian brought the classrom to practice in a studio environment. It is located in building 8 level 7 and we played with the lighting equipment available in the room. Brian showed us different techniques of lighting, how even the slightest change of lighting-angle can impact the result of the photo. The lighting equipment in the studio seems very high-end. Unfortunately not everyone in the class is tech-savy, so Brian controlled most of the lighting, showing different hues and temperature the lighting can exhibit. Everybody tried practicing, with interesting and cool results. I became a short model myself, and (maybe) it convince me I could become a model.

The picture abouve is one result from the class practice. It was done with one lighting to the model’s right (or left from her perspective). The images look is similar to a chiaroscuro painting, very contrast look between the subject and the lighting.


Coming up with Ideas

Progressing further into the month, I had a love & hate relationship with my bed.  My bed kept flirting with me to put my body on it. I have work to do.  but then it put on this blue sheet and and it somehow pats itself, and I couldn’t hold it anymore.

Anyway, during this peaceful Labour day I start to brainstorm ideas I want to do for my second project brief. I decided to do a mimesis on Duane Michal’s work, around the whole concept of how his photography works, and that is a self-expressed story. The unique style of Duane Michal’s and his flexibility photography style caught my attention. He succesfully expressed the questions and visualized emotions and thought he has in hi mind. He is expressing the reality of his state-of-mind and I love that he is brave enough to do so. I like to call that behaviour “not giving a f*ck to society” .As I posted before his work usually revolves around love, mortality, philosohpy, sexuality. But since I react like a 5 year old when talking about sexuality, I wouldn’t indulge in that topic. Instead, I would focus the theme around technology, Friendship, and Happiness. I want to visualize something that I have in my mind for a while now. The things that I have brainstormed were mostly expressions I want to tell the world, about technology and self-imagery, One funny story I experienced, a question that has been on my mind, and one of my hidden personalities. It is a first step, brainstorming, so the ideas would have to be carved and carved until it’s perfect. For the project’s technicalities side, I have thought about the project’s process that utilize different kinds of light situations, and what I have to do to achieve it and with Brians’ suggestion, I rented a camera from the A/V loan for the photo shoot day. Looking forward to how my project turns out.

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