Tag: future

Making Connections

  In our tutorial, Louise explained how students should start finding new networks to make connections in the industry and to try to build our career as quickly as possible. She told us that we should start researching on the type of media industry that we want to work in, and kindly gave us tips where we should start. Then…

Dear Future Self


Inspired by Brian Morris lecture, I’m writing this for my future self.

Dear future self. Whatever happened, be grateful you are still alive. Be grateful for everyone you have known.  Go out of your way to help people. Meet as many people as you can.  If you’re not doing what you love by 30, find a reason why you’re doing it, other than the money. Find someone to love, and try to make them happy. Hope for the best of everyone you meet, and as awkward as you can be, be nice to people, even though people say you have RBF. Most importantly, do something that your future self would be proud to remember.

There’s actually a website that provides you a way to write to your future self. Check them out (you have to pay though) here


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