Category: Inspiration

Inspiration: Gregory Crewdson

Gregory Crewdson-foto exhibition

I randomly googles Gregory Crewdson when Brian told us about him when he was lecturing about photo essays, and I immediately loved his pictures. (From Wikipedia) born in Brooklyn, His photos are artistically unique that it looks like a movie screen-capture. The cinematic quality & style of his picture is done with extensive measure with lighting, composition, and editing. It just looks beautiful. He uses crew members and lots of equipment, but the result is worth the hassle. Most of his pictures remind me of the show “Stranger Things” and “The OA”. Here are some of his pictures (I even used it as my wallpaper):

Gregory Crewdson

Gregory Crewdson 04


Further practice for Projec Brief 1

duane michals-paradise regained

Within the second week of the Month/Semester, Brian allowed the class to experiment and find our styles of photograhy by sending us around the CBD to practice using manual setting in a camera, whether it is from a DSLR or from your everyday-smartphone.  It was a super-bright and sunny day, what a coincidence. I had the opportunity to check around A’beckett street.  After 1 hour of sight-seeing and picture-taking, I went back with the others to check on the photos and saved it in the shared class folder.

3 days after Tuesday we had our second class. Project Brief 1 was due,  which everyone in the class had to present a photographer/visual artist that inspired them. For mine I chose Duane Michals, an American photographer whose work I find very attractive.

He  is the person first known for his Photo-sequences, mini movies that entails a narrative around love, mortality, sexuality, life & celebration of youth. He also likes to put his handwriting as an extension of his picture to give more context and background he believes the picture alone can not tell you. He doesn’t believe that “a picture speaks a thousand words”. Because you can only learn so much from a photo.

I love how Duane likes to break the rules, since he doesn’t know that there is a rule. He does what his mind provoked him to do, and let his emotion lead the creative process of his work. While often criticized, it only inspires him more to continue his work.

Dear Future Self


Inspired by Brian Morris lecture, I’m writing this for my future self.

Dear future self. Whatever happened, be grateful you are still alive. Be grateful for everyone you have known.  Go out of your way to help people. Meet as many people as you can.  If you’re not doing what you love by 30, find a reason why you’re doing it, other than the money. Find someone to love, and try to make them happy. Hope for the best of everyone you meet, and as awkward as you can be, be nice to people, even though people say you have RBF. Most importantly, do something that your future self would be proud to remember.

There’s actually a website that provides you a way to write to your future self. Check them out (you have to pay though) here


Inspiration: David Uzochukwu

I'll always belong into the sky.

Let me get this straight. He’s 18 and he’s already a professional photographer.


He started taking photographs when he is 10. as time progress his photography style morphed into a dark-fantasy-surreal-dreamy. my favourite. Added by the high-quality of the photos, he succeeded to create beautiful images that promote human beauty. What I personally loved about his photographs is the colour. It’s a little dis-saturated and greyish. But most photographers like him is suffering from some emotional-distress, hence the same sensation you get from his images. Here are more of his pictures. Enjoy.



Circle of Energy.






I just finished watching the TV adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. It amazing, one of the best tv show I’ve watched, in terms of story quality and filming technique. Because I am still an amateur, I do know know what the techniques used in the movies are, so I resulted into Quora. One of the people who answer the question managed to grasp the best video technique that the TV show uses.

You can read it here:

Read Pritesh Desai‘s answer to What are some unique visual techniques used in “Sherlock” the BBC TV Series? on Quora


Inspiration Week #5 Angelica Dass

I was scrolling through Ted Talks and i came across a very interesting thumbnail. I watched the video and was introduced to Angelica Daas’s project Humanae. (if you’re too lazy to watch the awesome video, continue reading) Humanae brings a new perspective about human’s view of diversity. She took the photograph of the participants in a white background and white flash light,…

Inspiration Week #4



I love this video by Andrew Norton so much. A travelling montage like the ones you would see on a youtube’s channel, except you don’t only see their face filling half of the screen. I like how he narrates the video by having a phone call with his partner, it makes me feel closer to the video and more engaged somehow. He shows the beautiful galapagos island while having giggles with his wife. 

Another video edited by him was the one you would see people share on Facebook. This video explains what your older self would tell to your younger self. I feel like they were giving advice to their younger self to just shrug it off, don’t give a f*ck to your insecurities, and just be who you are. A very inspiring video 

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