Pixels and Print



Last Tuesday we had a guest lecturer to talk about Publishing images in the form of a photobook. I learned about how photographers can further connect with his/her audience through concrete medium. Now when everything is almost digitized, publishing/printing your photographs means taking a further step in your photography project. And like writers/journalist, publishing your photos in the form of book makes you a storyteller. There are many considerations when planning and designing your photobook. There are things you can do with your photobook, rather than just showing your photos. Aside from telling the story, photobooks can provide another viewing experience and new sensation for your audience. From the theme of the book, the type of paper, the type of cover, the color, the binding/stiching, the folds and the layout the book can provide even greater context and justification to your photography work.

I am very excited for the next upcoming project. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to come up with ideas. With a week to spare before the presentation, I will try to keep my pen and notebook ready at times where serendipity strikes.

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