Uses of Photography, First day

Henri Cartier-Bresson

The first day of our media class, Brian introduced himself and immediately we were shown a 20-minute documentary of Henri Cartier-Bresson, a French photographer and the pro-creator of Magnum photos.  The video told us about Cartier-Bresson’s intake on photography. Famously known to create the genre of Street Photography, For Cartier-Bresson, a photographer needs to be quick (quick, quick), to get the decisive moment right. One of the most profound lesson I learned from the French photographer is not to label your photography. Because it limits on what you are capable of doing. Do not focus on what kind of pictures you take, but how you take your pictures.

Other than the incredible documentary, our class were handed with lots of canon DSLRs to start learning how to use them. With a 4-member group, we tried calibrating ourselves with the cameras and took some pretty interesting shots. The fact that it also was a sunny day makes it all the better.


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