So at week 5 we did an interview exercise using a Sony MCE50, a “cute” handy camcorder that does a very good job at recording videos. The topic for the exercise was our tips on surviving university life. My team and I did the exercise quite well and after storing the files on our own computer, we edited the footage individually. This is what my edit turn out like. I am quite pleased with the video, the music makes the fun vibe that i want, although i didn’t put all of the question and answers inside, I feel the video is already complete. Maybe some of the minor problems was the audio, the background noise was pretty loud, and we had a little confusion using the tripod. Why is the opening sequence that red you ask? because the RMIT logo is red. Actually i tried to put just an overlay colour to the video, but it didn’t turn out quite well, so I tried playing with other types of blends, and turns out the blend mode “hard mix” makes it look like a pop art, so I just went with that. Overall i was quite happy with how the video turns out.

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