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Today, my group and i had a meeting focused on moving forward from the planning aspect of the project. As we planned at the start of the meeting, and chose our main topic, we started writing both of the essays, basically splitting it up between the 3 of us. I am a bit nervous in how accurate our predictions will be in getting it done by the agreed deadlines, however i am also happy with the progress so far. We have a audio rough cut due next Thursday, so fingers crossed that we will have something to show!

Plan for the rest of the week: 
Video Essay
Do Media Institutions still control the majority of media consumption globally?
Contention : Disagree, public service broadcasting is enabling society to overthrow the institutions control
Who are the big media institutions? (Examples)
Do these organisations consolidate the ‘illusion of choice?’
Conventional mass media vs new media
– How has technology affected media institutions, and how has public broadcasting taken over/ created change
– Youtube- how it is a public broadcast, and how audiences use it (
( sharing, reinterpreted, recreated, downloading, Youtubers and how they have their views etc) → cultural shift
– Blogging and social media vs (print) newspapers and television
Audience – Have people in the 21st century slowly moved away from institutions, and towards democratic speech/ becoming an active audience?
Should media institutions change, stay the same or not exist?

Audio Essay:
Does the departure from institutionally controlled media necessitate a decline in quality of broadcast and other mainstream programming?
Is public broadcasting an obsolete idea?
Australian Media and the great quality decline.
How Foxtel attempted to control the release of Game of Thrones in Australia, and yet torrenting numbers were through the roof. This only proves that consumers crave choice and freedom, but because of this, Australian mass media is rapidly declining.