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For the last hour of the workshop, we were sent out of class with a Sony MC50, to film a short interview based on the topic ‘survival guide for the first six weeks of university’. We learnt the basic fuctions of the camera including:

Format the card before use – Change quality to HD – Exposure – Sound – Focus – Microphone

Walking around building 10 was quite a difficult task, trying to find a quite place to interview where there was no construction sounds (this isnt the first time this has happened!). The four of us found a decent spot, and  used the shot gun microphone to record sound, as the lapel mics where to difficult to use in the situation with time restraints, also the fact that there were 3 of us speaking, there was not enough to share around.

Luckily, we had two cameras to record at the same time. And therefore had one camera set up for a long shot, and the other to be close up. However, since lots of time was wasted, we were unable to get cutaway shots, noddies, and other visual recordings to make the post production more visually appealing for the end product.