PB2: Photography is crucial to digital culture.


Full album here.

Today, you don’t need to look far to encounter photography of any kind. From when you cheekily check Facebook on your phone before you even get out of bed, in print, on billboards, on the news, a phone camera hovering tentatively above a piece of avocado toast. There’s no denying that photography has made itself a loving home in the 21st century, and this is none more true than when you look toward the digital realm.

Photography is a part of the digital language, of which kids growing up today are “native speakers.” (Murray) Yet, just a short time ago, photography in the way we knew it today was still developing – just as it, like any medium is constantly developing and will continue to do so. André Bazin once called photography an ‘embalmer of time’. In the 19th century, photographs were commonly taken post-mortem, partly because it’s quite easy to get a dead person to sit still for the length of time that was required by cameras of the time, and also as a way to preserve the memory of the person that was lot. This practice, the one of preserving memories – not so much the dead people part – continued into the 20th century, especially with Kodak creating a mass market for amateur photographers to arrange their lives into nostalgic snapshots. (West)

In the digital age, however, photography has become less about rare, ‘special’ personal moments and more about the mundane – like the aforementioned avocado toast, and what Britney Spears wore yesterday. Murray explains that this development has signalled a “definitive shift in our temporal relationship with the everyday image, and (has) helped alter the way that we construct narratives about ourselves and the world around us.” The landscape has changed even more since her reflection on online photosharing platforms in 2008, however – she notes Flickr as one of the largest communities, but social media platforms like Instagram have emerged with an even greater focus on sharing photographs with other users.

It is this integration of photography with the digital landscape, and by extension, our lives, that I explored in my media artifacts. I took a series of photos of my own social media pages, accessed on different devices, and removed all the images from the pages, to demonstrate how alien these sites look without the images that we are now all so used to. I also took a photo of another common scene that is very much linked to the image-sharing culture: people taking photos of the mundane, their lunch, and removed the cameras, in this case mobile phones, from the photo. There is no doubt that photography is crucial to digital culture.


Works cited:

  • Murray, Susan. (2008, August 1) ‘Digital Images, Photosharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics.’ Journal of Visual Culture, Vol 7, Issue 2.
  • O’Hagan, Sean (2016, July 3). ‘The digital age reshapes our notion of photography. Not everyone is happy…The Observer.
  • Prensky, Marc (2001),”Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1″, On the Horizon, Vol. 9 Iss 5 pp. 1 – 6
  • Van House, Nancy A. (2011, June 9.) ‘Personal photography, digital technologies and the uses of the visual.’ Visual Studies, 26:2, 125-134.
  • West, Nancy Martha (2000) ‘Kodak and the Lens of Nostalgia.’ The University Press of Virginia, USA.

PB2: New Media is Less Tangible

The statement, ‘New media is less tangible’ refers to the idea that digital media is less tangible because you can’t hold the internet in your hand like a book. To a large extent, this statement is very true and applicable to the digital media landscape, but yet, this statement also subtly implies that because of this loss of tangibility, new media is less valuable. This is a notion put forward by many critics of new media, as well as particularly by older generations who look back with some fondness to the age of bulky cameras and photo albums. Indeed, who makes a photo album these days that is not of the Facebook kind?

I decided to explore this statement by focusing on the role of photography, interrogating how it has developed, and whether it has become less tangible, or less valuable. I produced a short animation, presented as an infinitely looping GIF. I photographed myself holding various objects in my hands, including a picture slide, an SLR film camera, a printed photograph, a DSLR camera, and a mobile phone. These objects are supposed to represent an evolution of different mediums spanning the last few decades – the picture slide has been replaced by the mobile phone as a primary medium of capturing memories in photographic form. The photograph I pulled from an old family photo album – it is a photograph of my mother. All theses objects are family possessions that are quite important to me because of their nostalgic value. I enjoyed having the opportunity to rumble through a box of old slides and a pile of photo albums to find these images. Both these processes are very different to the way I search through my own photographs, which are stored online and on digital hard drives.

“… early critics feared a loss of texture and authenticity, features that they believed were inherent in old image technologies and missing in the ‘cold inhuman perfection’ of the digital.’ writes Susan Murray about digital photography. She continues, arguing that digital photography has actually raised our standards for the quality of the image, by taking several photos, editing them, discarding ones that have errors such as the wrong shutter speed. Anyone that has used an analogue film camera will know that with film there are far fewer chances to get the ‘right’ shot, so the level of perfectionism that is present in the photo you took of your breakfast this morning would not be there if you took it with a film camera. But perhaps it is this level of im-perfectionism that makes old media so appealing.

I intend for the viewer of the animation to consider whether this transition to less tangible media, specifically the method of capturing and storing memories through photography, actually devalued media, or merely transformed it. What have we lost with digital media, or rather, what have we gained? Is a loss of materiality really a bad thing?


Works cited:

  • Murray, Susan. (2008, August 1) ‘Digital Images, Photosharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics.’ Journal of Visual Culture, Vol 7, Issue 2.
  • Palmer, Daniel (2010) ‘Emotional Archives: Online Photo Sharing and the Cultivation of the Self.’ Photographies, 3:2, 155-171
  • West, Nancy Martha (2000) ‘Kodak and the Lens of Nostalgia.’ The University Press of Virginia, USA.


Our guest lecturer was artist and lecturer Rebecca Najdowski. Her talk was really inspiring because she introduced us to a lot of different artists and processes of photography that I hadn’t previously encountered, for example the labour intensive work of John Chiara. This really relates to the article by Sean O’Hagan that brought forward the idea that photography is ‘made’ and not ‘taken.’ Anna Atkin’s botanical photographs was also really interesting and beautiful. These methods are definitely things I’m interested in exploring further.

Photography by John Chiara. Source.

A Lumen print. Source.


My personal photo starring my kitty.

We brought in a bunch of personal photos to class today to discuss. Samantha chose the photo for me to talk about, which prompted me to look back on to this moment, and especially think about how what has changed, and also what has stayed the same. This photo was taken when I just moved into my new house. The plants I planted outside hadn’t grown yet, my fern has now doubled in size, my tiny desk has been swallowed up by an excessively large desktop computer and has moved against another wall (damn sun glare). My cat, however, is still the same, seeking out a sunny spot wherever it may be found. Even though this photo captured a particular moment, I have experienced many moments like this one so I wasn’t able to remember what particular day I took this photo. Therefore I am not really as nostalgic as I would be for a different photo, because I know that I will still enjoy many moments like this to come.

We also watched a documentary about the photographer Platon, who has a very distinctive style of taking portraits.

There aren’t really any TV shows or movies that I revisit often, as I’m not a big re-watcher – I prefer to experience a new story. However, I revisit songs all the time because they have a powerful emotional impact on me. Sad songs would be my guilty pleasure, except I don’t feel guilty about it. For example, the song Ghost on the Shore by Lord Huron is a song I revisit all the time. I was first introduced to it by a guy I was dating when I was in high school, then it became a breakup song, later it became associated with a trip to Queensland and a particular friendship. It’s a song that keeps developing new meaning for me as time goes on.

Portraits of power: Obama as photographed by Platon. Sauce.


After the guest lecture in class yesterday, we had a go at making our own photograms, which is, at it’s most basic, the process of taking a photo without a camera. Essentially, this means taking a piece of light-sensitive paper, putting an object on it and exposing it to the light.

The photograms probably looked cooler when they were developing than when they were finished.

I found this to be a super interesting process, as I never even knew this was a thing you could do before yesterday. The process behind photography in general has always been a thing that’s kind of bamboozled my brain, so stripping it down to three simple ingredients – the paper, the object, and the sun – helps me to begin to understand how the whole light thing really works. And plus, it makes for some super cool effects, as long as your chosen strand of flowers doesn’t blow away in the wind. The warm toned paper and the fern are my favourite ones because the effects produced were the most interesting.



Ferny ferns

Another fern

Some leaves.


What is it?

It was popular from 1965 to the 70s. Consisted of endless loop of 1/4 inch magnetic tape, which had 8 parallel soundtracks. Often associated with listening in a car, even though it was first developed by an aircraft manufacturer. It had a recording length of up to 80 minutes. It was eventually abandoned in favour of the cassette.

Who used it?

People used it in their cars and their homes. At its height, it was the most popular of tape systems and had the biggest music library available. It was the first mass produced car music format.

What was it for?

Developed for music systems in cars. (An older version, 4 track tape, were marketed as CARtridges lol). Car manufacturers in the 60s would give away a free 8-track if you bought a car with an 8-track player!

What craft was involved?

Multi-track recording, which was first developed in the 1950s. It allowed for superior recording, especially of music, because it meant that every sound, e.g. vocals or guitar, could be recorded on a different track, and thus allowed the studio engineers to edit each track differently.






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What role/importance does the library have?

  • Libraries provide a certain atmosphere that is especially conducive for learning and focusing, probably more so than my other preferred place of study (a cafe). Maybe this is due to the both of these places usually have shitty Wifi so I’m less tempted to procrastinate on Buzzfeed (sorry Dan).
  • Providing an in-depth and reliable range of sources.
  • Librarians are great.

What might I use in the library? especially for open endedness of assessments

  • RMIT Library search – because it will allow me to search a wide range of subjects. Might be useful for getting an idea of the types of sources that are available and let me narrow in my search from there.
  • Books books books – because the tangibility of a book is enchanting. And because I find it so much easier to absorb information from a piece of paper than from a screen. In the past I’ve done most of my research online, and I’d really like to change my habits. Also because studying in the library is a bit of a lost art to me, but also dorky/cool but appealing.
  • Reserve collections – because it’s nice to know that the book you want isn’t on a journey somewhere, but lying on a shelf just waiting to share its information with you.


Three media artifacts that represent the library:

Endless boooks

Silent study.




Today’s class task was finding craft, plus some fun facts about the crafts we found, because fun facts are fun. I’ll be discussing the wrought iron sign and the chair (note only one leg is depicted because I’m focusing on the joinery). Please peruse my beautiful illustrations below and then educate yo’ self the fun way.

IRONWORK (a.k.a. the sign)

  • Wrought iron is super tough, malleable, and corrosion resistant
  • The craft dates back to Ancient Egypt – 3500 BCE!
  • Many sculptors have worked with wrought iron, including Pablo Picasso. (Sauce) 

WOODWORK JOINERY (a.k.a the chair leg)

  • Wood joinery techniques are also super old: they have been well documented in Indian, Chinese, European and Japanese traditions.
  • In Asian countries, nails and glue didn’t hold up so well because of the humid conditions, and so they developed hundreds of types of different joints as a solution.
  • A joiner is an artisan who builds things by joining pieces of wood. (Sauce)


Industry Feedback

On Monday, Jenny O’Meara came in to give us feedback on our rough cuts. It was really good to have professional feedback, as Jenny was very critical in a good way, picking up a lot of things I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. For example, I thought my ending was pretty good but she suggested that I found a line that had a more natural ending to it, so I ended up changing the end. This ties back to the discussion we had in class about skills an editor must have, and one of those being to not to get too attached to your work and being able to let go.

She also suggested I create more space between the last two sections, which should be straight forward to fix up because I’d created space earlier in the portrait so I can easily apply the same technique.

I’m struggling the most with what music to use, as most of the creative commons music is typical youtube vlogger electronic music and doesn’t really suit the tone of the portrait. Even when I think I’ve found something I put it in to the timeline and it doesn’t really work after all.

Other than that, everything is on track and I just need to keep on editing and refining.

Project Update

It’s getting to the pointy end of the semester and our videos are well into the production stage, with most having begun editing their rough cuts.

I started editing my rough cut last week with the intention of catching up with Peter so I could show him the rough cut. However, as I was editing I was running into problems. Firstly, I struggled to cut down the interview to a manageable length, and I was finding that I really didn’t have enough footage or stills to be able to cover the entire video.

So on Monday I arranged to meet up with Peter to do some more shooting in his studio. It was really easy this time around because I knew exactly what I needed to shoot to cover parts of the video that needed extra footage, and it was a breeze to put it all together after that.

So at this point I have a rough cut that’s conveying the overall narrative, with most of the footage in the right place. After getting feedback on the rough cut today, I know what problems I need to address to try and really lift the video. It should be fairly easy to finalise the edit in time, and to address the other materials that need to be prepared for the final due date.