Welcome back: Semester 2 Goals

New Semester, new me. Or rather, a renewed outlook on what I want to achieve during the year that remains.

One of the things that frustrated me about Semester 1 is that even though I felt that I tried the best I could I never achieved the kind of marks or success that I thought I would. I realise that the jump from high school to Uni is a momentous one, and that I could hardly expect to gain the same results I did in VCE, but nonetheless, my ego is still somewhat dinted. I often felt that I didn’t receive truly helpful feedback , but I now realise that in a course of however many students I can’t really expect to have this kind of stuff handed to me. I need to go and get it myself.

Be more proactive towards achieving my goals and improving myself. I think part of me experienced Semester 1 from the sidelines, without getting as involved as my peers. I’m determined this time around not to let any opportunities to slip by as they present themselves. This is probably the best time of my life to experiment and learn and get involved, and I need to stop using a 50 minute train ride as an excuse to sit at home and do nothing.

Thirdly, I want to decide what path I want to take in this course. Hopefully getting more involved will help me with this, as well as talking to people who have graduated and are working, and by applying for work attachments.