SWOT stands for Strengths; Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

Terrible stock images give me joy. Source
In regards to the project you need to complete, what are your strengths?
My strengths definitely lie within organisation and communication. I think I’m good at making sure the everything is on track and we’re never held back because something hasn’t been organised. I also think I’m quite creative so I can bring that to the project as well. I also find the topic of audience interesting and I’ve studied it somewhat before, so that previous understanding might come in useful.
In regards to the project you need to complete, what are your weaknesses?
I think my technical and production skills are not as good as other members of my group. I’m not very skilled in recording and mixing audio, so the audio essay will be a weakness for me.
In regards to the project you need to complete, what do you perceive is of particular interest, or presents an opportunity to extend your knowledge in a way that interests you?
I’m interested in extending my skills of working with others. Previously I’ve mainly worked alone and have always seen this as the most efficient way to work, but after the Lectorial and readings about collaboration I’m convinced that working with others is a great skill to have and this can also lead to increased productivity.
In terms of your own personal situation, what threats do you identify which impede the completion of the project?
One threat that might impede with the completion of the project might be that I’m quite busy with uni and work so it might be difficult to organise times to meet up or record interviews/footage.
Outcome: The members of my group have lots of different skill that will hopefully compliment each other and lead to a successful project.