Today’s class task was finding craft, plus some fun facts about the crafts we found, because fun facts are fun. I’ll be discussing the wrought iron sign and the chair (note only one leg is depicted because I’m focusing on the joinery). Please peruse my beautiful illustrations below and then educate yo’ self the fun way.

IRONWORK (a.k.a. the sign)

  • Wrought iron is super tough, malleable, and corrosion resistant
  • The craft dates back to Ancient Egypt – 3500 BCE!
  • Many sculptors have worked with wrought iron, including Pablo Picasso. (Sauce) 

WOODWORK JOINERY (a.k.a the chair leg)

  • Wood joinery techniques are also super old: they have been well documented in Indian, Chinese, European and Japanese traditions.
  • In Asian countries, nails and glue didn’t hold up so well because of the humid conditions, and so they developed hundreds of types of different joints as a solution.
  • A joiner is an artisan who builds things by joining pieces of wood. (Sauce)


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