Project Update

It’s getting to the pointy end of the semester and our videos are well into the production stage, with most having begun editing their rough cuts.

I started editing my rough cut last week with the intention of catching up with Peter so I could show him the rough cut. However, as I was editing I was running into problems. Firstly, I struggled to cut down the interview to a manageable length, and I was finding that I really didn’t have enough footage or stills to be able to cover the entire video.

So on Monday I arranged to meet up with Peter to do some more shooting in his studio. It was really easy this time around because I knew exactly what I needed to shoot to cover parts of the video that needed extra footage, and it was a breeze to put it all together after that.

So at this point I have a rough cut that’s conveying the overall narrative, with most of the footage in the right place. After getting feedback on the rough cut today, I know what problems I need to address to try and really lift the video. It should be fairly easy to finalise the edit in time, and to address the other materials that need to be prepared for the final due date.

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