I was in the elevator in building 80 the other day, and noticed that 7 out of the 12 people in the elevator were wearing Nike shoes (myself included, I must admit.) Today’s Lectorial reminded me of this incident. Nike is an institution: it is enduring, has a certain status, is collectivist, and promotes certain values that its employees and fans alike share. Most important of all, however, is its brand. The famous ‘just do it’ line and the Nike ‘tick’ are almost ubiquitous today.
Nike’s brand, though rooted in sports, has become part of popular culture. It is perhaps more important than the actual products it produces, as many consumers are drawn to the brand due to the lifestyle it promotes. Through its partnerships with athletes, Nike has managed to stay relevant through the years.
I think ‘sneaker culture’ has had somewhat of a surge in popularity throughout the last few years, becoming fashionable for not only men but also women – so, hurray for comfy footwear equality.

Ladies rejoice. Source