Can Netflix replace traditional TV?

According to this article on, 75% of Netflix’s user base believes this to be true.

If anything is a good example of changes in how audiences in the post-broadcast era consume media, this statistic is. The idea of a ‘mass audience’, i.e. families gathering on the living room couch at 7:30 to watch a certain program, is outdated. Modern audiences are engaged and have agency, a long way from the ‘passive’ audience theories of the early 20th century.

Interestingly, however, is that the same article also cites that 67% of respondents don’t believe that Netflix can replace movie theatres.  In the Internet age of convenience, multi-tasking and distracting, going to the movies is one of the last few truly immersive experiences. Unless, of course, the person in front of you is on their phone the entire time. So, whilst there have been significant changes in how audiences consume media, certain more traditional ways of consuming media are still cherished.

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